Parent information

Enrolment:  We invite all prospective parents and students to view our school in action.  Please ring the school office on 03 418 0540 to make an appointment to visit our school.  Our principal is available to answer any questions you might have.  Please also see this Ministry of Education web page about enrolling and starting your child at school

Uniform: Stirling School does not have a uniform. A sport top is provided for students when attending events outside of our school.

School fees: Stirling School is part of the school donation scheme.  This means we only ask for donations for overnight camps.  The board can charge for sports trips or activities that are outside the school curriculum, for example school sports teams. Participation in these activities is optional.

Kai/food: Stirling School is part of the Ka Ora Ka Ako Healthy School lunches programme and the Kickstart Breakfast programme. Lunches are provided daily by an outside provider for all our students. Breakfast is available every morning from 8.30am to 8.55am. There is no cost for these programmes. We are a 'water only' school - each child is required to have a water bottle with water only. This can be refilled at school, if needed, throughout the day 

Stationery: We have a small stationery list for students which is sent home at the start of the year. 

Absences:  When a child is going to be absent, the school must be notified along with the reason for the absence. Please notify school before 8.55am if your child will be absent for the day. 

Transport: Stirling School students living in Hillend, Benhar, and Inch Clutha are able to catch a bus to school. 

Sun Safety: Sun block is available in all classrooms. Our school has adopted a “no hat, no play” policy for terms one and four. Our tamariki are required to wear a bucket style sun hat (no caps)  and have a water bottle (no juice).

Community periods: These events are held twice a term and allow our community to come and celebrate our students' learning. Dates and times are advertised in the newsletter.

Newsletter: There is a weekly school newsletter published on the last day of the school week which is emailed to our community. Alternatively you can view this on our website below. Make sure you look out for it – it contains important information, children’s work and dates of coming events.